Posted on 28th November 2011 in HELPING OTHERS

One of the most rewarding things I have ever been a part of was a house building project in a small town of Chinchero just outside of Cuzco, Peru. For me it all began when I received an email from my dear friend Tal Gur while I was travelling in Brazil.

The following is a condensed version of what Tal’s email read:  Hi All, As some of you know I’m in Peru right now and plan to stay here a few more weeks, mainly to help locals who lost their homes in recent floods. I need some help. Well, not me personally, but a family I have got to know.

A week ago I volunteered with a group of travellers ripping down and cleaning the remains of homes in a tiny village near Cusco that a friend of mine found during a motorcycle trip. It was quite a devastating day; houses collapsed, furniture covered with mud, broken toys lying on the ground, torn books & ripped clothing everywhere. Memories lost forever.

At the end of the day the old man who owns the house started crying like a baby in my arms. When we left he just stood there in his torn clothes sobbing his eyes out, looking a bit embarrassed. He asked us to come back; he was actually begging. Some of us went back the next day but most will be continuing on with their trips; I’ll be the only one who can help this family.

The Peruvian government has to deal with more than 10,000 people who lost their homes so this poor family can forget about getting any local assistance. 

To be honest, you wouldn’t let a dog or horse live in these conditions. Imagine everything you have is taken away. Imagine sleeping inthe cold. I have been seeing it all week and it really puts things into perspective.

I went back yesterday and made a list of what they need in order to rebuild their house and also to give them some food so they can survive the coming months. I then checked with some people here: A small metal roof for example, cost only US$10… I’ve currently collected $100 to help build a house and to help the family survive the coming months.

If you are able to offer any help, or if you know anyone in Cusco’s area who can join this life saving project, or even if you just want to drop me a line, please do so. In any case, I hope all’s well wherever you are Much love from Peru, Tal Click here to read more.. »

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